August 31, 2012

Complete final day results from Argyllshire Gathering: Drummond, Dunn, Smith, McClamrock, A.Gandy take the firsts

Oban, Scotland – August 23, 2012 – The final day of the Argyllshire Gathering saw the traditional march to the games, with 2012 Oban Gold Medallist Finlay Johnston in the pipe-major’s spot, leading some 38 fellow competitors, the Argyllshire aristocracy trundling behind. The outdoor A- and B-Grade light music competitions are held on platforms at each corner of Mossfield Park, among bouncy castles, diesel generators and track and field events.

1st Cameron Drummond, Edinburgh
2nd Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
3rd Craig Muirhead, Glasgow
4th Alasdair Henderson, Dunoon, Scotland
5th Andrew Carlisle, Pittsburgh

Judges: Iain MacLellan, Hugh MacAllum, John Wilson

Strathspey & Reel
1st Alastair Dunn, Glasgow
2nd Ryan Canning, Glasgow
3rd Cameron Drummond
4th Callum Beaumont, Bo’ness, Scotland
5th Fred Morrison, Bishopton, Scotland

Judges: Walter Cowan, Willie Morrison, R. Wallace

1st Innes Smith
2nd Graham Drummond
3rd David Wilton
4th Ben McClamrock
5th Greig Wilson

Judges: Andrew Frater, Colin MacLellan, Tom Speirs

Strathspey & Reel
1st Ben McClamrock
2nd Jonathan Graham
3rd Gavin Ferguson
4th David Wilton
5th Xavier Boderiou

Judges: Iain MacFadyen, Ronnie McShannon, Jack Taylor

Open Jig
1st Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
2nd Alastair Dunn
3rd Gordon McCready, Renfrew, Scotland
4th Andrew Carlisle
5th Ben McClamrock, Baltimore

Judges: Jimmy Banks, Stuart Shedden, Bob Worrall




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