April 30, 2008

PPBSO Judges’ Seminar tackles current issues

Some 33 accredited piping and drumming adjudicators attended the Pipers & Pipe Band Society of Ontario’s 2008 Judges’ Seminar in Milton, Ontario, as part of the organization’s ongoing professional development program for its panel of judges.

A variety of topics were discussed in the day-long event that was moderated by Ken Eller and organized under the watch of the PPBSO’s Music Board.Rob Crabtree and Doug Stronach discussed the Music Board’s ongoing development of a formal Education & Theory program, which will eventually comprise various levels of examinations that extend into Royal Conservatory of Music content with an objective of ensuring that PPBSO competitors not only perform to certain standards but also have a well rounded knowledge of music theory specific to Highland pipes, pipe band drumming and music in general.

A panel discussion on a variety of adjudication issues, including ensemble, the interests of lower-grade bands and timing sparked lively debate among attendees, as did break-out sessions on judging solo piping and drumming.In attendance were:

The seminar goes towards the organization’s policy that judges must maintain their currency by attending organized professional development events held by the PPBSO or those of other North American associations and the RSPBA at least once every two years.

The seminar goes towards the organization’s policy that judges must maintain their currency by attending organized professional development events held by the PPBSO or those of other North American associations and the RSPBA at least once every two years.




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