RSPBA may shut down additional outside involvement in World’s Development Group
The RSPBA in January reached out to the world’s pipers and drummers, asking them to offer up their suggestions as to how to improve the World Pipe Band Championships, the organization’s biggest annual event. But, after three months, the association says it may shut down the request for outsiders’ involvement due to a lack of response.
In January the RSPBA announced on its website that it was seeking “the views of as many stakeholders as possible,” so that the organization could build a database of those interested in helping with creative concepts.
The call for participation in the “World’s Development Group” stated, “We need to be able to identify who people are, and what your experiences, opinions are of the format of the present World Pipe Band Championships. Also what are your opinions of the way the World Pipe Band Championship should be developed over the next few years?”
At the association’s March 13th annual general meeting it was revealed that not many people had responded, and therefore the ability for those not already involved with the group to join may be shut down, according to a branch executive member present at the meeting, “in a few weeks.”
Those interested must first submit information online, including name, e-mail address, age-range and phone number, with a promise to be contacted thereafter., including name, e-mail address, age-range and phone number, with a promise to be contacted thereafter.
It is not clear how much of a time commitment involvement in the group would require, but the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said, “The RSPBA are looking for ideas from the public as to how they can improve the World’s, and the ideas will be listened to. It does not require a large commitment of time. The RSPBA sees the [World’s] as a fantastic addition to the Scottish events calendar and are committed to making it stronger and better each year.”
Also at the organization’s AGM, a motion to convert the association to “a private company limited by guarantee” was passed. The status is used primarily for nonprofit organizations that require a legal personality, with members who act as guarantors who agree to contribute a nominal amount in the event that the company is dissolved. A private company limited by guarantee is a common status for clubs, membership organizations, and residential property management companies and sports associations.
I signed up when it was first posted. It might draw more people, and create a buzz, if they responded to sign-ups and said bring along some other interested people.” So far
It’s a bit of a stretch to ask that people from around the world all just pop in to the RSPBA’s AGM to hear what’s up. It’s pretty easy to set up a web form that automatically generates a response such as: Thanks for your indication of interest. We will be contacting those who signed up sometime in Month X to advise of next steps.” Although the RSPBA is great at organizing huge events
Speaker, it seems that you are assuming that only pipe band members have worthy opinions on how the Worlds could be improved. In my view, this is a very narrow-minded perspective. I would note that the RSPBA’s call for interested parties refers broadly to stakeholders”
Katherine, I have not presumed such a thing – thus why I included Also
I agree with Duncan, Iain MacDonald and others. I just signed up and will wait to see if I am contacted. A worldwide” effort is more than a word
I’m glad to see that the RSPBA is at least interested in hearing” outside opinions regarding the WPBC. Thanks for pointing this out
I just registered and it was very easy. This is the first I had heard of this group since I hardly ever visit the RSPBA website. The weak response is probably due to lack of exposure rather then lack of interest.
I only discovered it by chance and immediately signed up but haven’t heard anything further- in fact I was wondering if it had got through ok. I don’t think many people will notice it there, and that may be why there’s been a low response rate.
I signed up months ago when it first came out on the site – as yet I’ve heard nothing back..** hum….
been wondering why nobody was mentioning it…seems to be just what all the moaners have been asking for but perhaps they’d sooner moan.
Signed up when it was first put up on the RSPBA site so far I have not heard anything back. The Glasgow RSPBA Mandarins don’t want the piping community to be involved in helping to improve the World’s. They just don’t want to listen, there refusal to reinstate best Bass and Tenor prize is a classic example of there closed minds as to what the piping community want.
Just to clear things up, the reason the RSPBA haven’t been in touch with anyone as yet is because they are waiting until they close the option for other people to sign up. Once the final numbers and names have been taken, they will contact everyone. This was stated at the AGM, and again – if anyone actually bothered to go and listen (rather than come on a public form and talk about things they know nothing about) then this confusion would not happen. And please, lets not get in to the best bass section awards, it’s old hat!
Speaker – what a laugh. The R.S.P.B.A. is asking for comments from outsiders and you think they should attend an agm which noboby even knows about anyway in Glasgow??? Another sad example of the parochial attittude that exists.
I believe you said that much better than I would have Iain, or more politely anyway,,,,you must be a writer !! and ditto to the bass drum argument, been there done that. Bruce
Evry branch secretary, band secretary and/or band pipe major are sent prior notice of the AGM along with order papers. Also, the Notification is placed upon the RSPBA website. It’s your fault if you don’t know, not the RSPBAs.
Katherine – Spot on! I consider myself a stakeholder….I’ve been attending the Worlds and other Majors for 32 years now but I don’t belong to a band or am I affiliated with the RSPBA or any of it’s branches…so Speaker” does this mean I’m not worthy? does my point of view count for nothing? Do you really have that much disdain for your paying public? “
I find this approach, and subsequent feedback fascinating, especially on the back of Andrew’s blog post on communication. I would be interested to know how many respondants the RSPBA had initially, and how many the have got within a week of this article appearing on PD. If you want to canvas popular opinion, you need to interact with the interested parties via a popular medium. AGMs and the like do not, in my opinion fit this category.
fibre optic tenor beaters that glow during the performance, problem solved.