September 10, 2007

Caption contest winner!

The Dunno Dunoon caption contest attracted a lot of very funny entries. The ones poking fun at the Cowal Games themselves about tuning facilities and toilets overflowing were almost irresistible, but, ultimately, I decided it would be just a bit too much to have a go at this event. They are trying really hard to improve.

I couldn’t decide, so I asked Julie to help, and she picked the caption submitted by Mark Sutherland of South Alloa, Scotland, as the best:

“. . . and the winner of 2018 World Pipe Band Championship is Atlantis and District, band number 15 . . .”

What a great mix of social consciousness and topical news. The Atlantis bit was a great touch.

With his winning entry, Mark receives a subscription to pipes|drums for life – his, mine, or its. That could be worth as much as $700, depending on inflation and what-not.

Well done, Mark, and haw, haw, haw!


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