Carloway Show Centenary Piping Comp.

Date(s): August 2, 2011

Location: Carloway School-1pm. Isle of Lewis,
United Kingdom

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

The Carloway Show and Highland Games est. 1911 CENTENARY PIPING COMPETITION Junior: Chanter Playing (under 12) ?5-?4-?3 MSR ?12-?8-?6 Hornpipe and Jig ?12-?8-?6 Senior: Ceol Mor-Ground ?25-?15-?10 MSR ?25-?15-?10 Hornpipe and Jig ?25-?15-?10 Junior entry to senior competition by Judges invitation. The Finlay Macneil Memorial Cup and ?50 for highest points in Senior section. Competition Commences on the mainstage at 1.30pm. Registration on the day. For enquires contact: Ranald Fraser A warm Carloway welcome to one and all.



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