Sacramento Valley Games

Date(s): April 26, 2014,
April 27, 2014

Location: Yolo County Fairgrounds, Woodland, CA,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

Experience traditions of the Scottish Highlands! Two days of Celtic music and dance, heavy athletics, history, genealogy, Clans and cuisine at the Yolo County Fairgrounds. Saturday night Ceilidh. Non-stop entertainment includes the Wicked Tinkers, Molly�s Revenge, Men of Worth, Culann's Hounds, Scottish fiddlers, Celtic harps, and (of course) top-notch bagpipe and drum bands.


Sacramento Valley Games

Date(s): April 23, 2010,
April 24, 2010

Location: Yolo County Fairgrounds, Woodland, CA,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

134th Anniversary Sacramento Valley Scottish Games & Festival Yolo County Fairgrounds * Woodland, CA April 24th and 25th, 2010 Scottish Games & Festival doors open at 9 a.m.



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