Cincinnati Piping & Drumming Solo Competition & Workshop

Date(s): April 8, 2017

Location: Springdale Nazarene Church, 11177 Springfield Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45246,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

The second annual Cincinnati Piping & Drumming Solo Competition & Workshop on Saturday, April 8th 2017. A sanctioned solo competition will take place in the morning followed by piping and drumming workshop sessions in the afternoon taught by the competition judges. Pipiing judges include Barry Conway, Clark Abercrombie and Greg Abbott. Snare judge is Jon Quigg. An unsanctioned tenor comp will be judged by Anne Roby.

With the support of a generous benefactor, we are excited to announce that all amateur competitors will be eligible to win valuable prizes from the following list. All amateur competitors will receive 1 raffle ticket for a chance to win a prize from this list, and additional tickets may be acquired through success in the solo competition, increasing the chances of winning one of these great prizes! New in 2017 – send in your registration postmarked by February 28 and get an extra raffle ticket!

  1. Grand Prize: Kilt (8 yards/high quality), winner’s choice of tartan (conditions and exclusions apply)
  2. Piper Prize 1: $250 gift certificate
  3. Piper Prize 2: $150 gift certificate
  4. Drummer Prize 1: $250 gift certificate
  5. Drummer Prize 2: $150 gift certificate



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