September 05, 2008

Lexy M. Catskill, 1992-2008

Life is sweet.You might remember a post awhile back wondering whether anyone had made their pet’s fur coat into a sporran after it passed on to the kitty-litter tray in the sky. Well, just to let you know, our cat, Lexy M. Catskill, is no longer with us. Sixteen-and-a-half years of unbridled comfortable living after being saved from the Humane Society, his unlucky end finally came on August 8, 2008.

And, no, we didn’t re-use, reduce and recycle his coat for a sporran.

In the space of just a few months, the big man went from being a 23-pound mass of luxurious fur to an 11-pound threadbare critter. The vet said that we could try to save him through tests and operations and what not, but that the likely cause – some sort of kitty cancer – is probably not treatable, so we made the decision that most pet-owners face, whether it’s a sophisticated euthanasia or the proverbial fish-flush.

Sporran or not, Lexy’s memory will live on!




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