April 29, 2011

Lonely pipers

I saw the important bits of the Westminster wedding and accompanying parade. Lots of scarlet tunics, gilt and bearskin hats.

But not a single, lone piper to be heard by the billions served on April 29th.

Normally it wouldn’t faze me, but you’d think a small public homage to the intersection of middle-class Middleton and William Windsor-Wales – St. Andrew’s, Scotland – would be in order. They’ll be spending half the year at Balmoral soon enough, and the Windsors own a good portion of Scotland.

But apparently there’s some piping at the Buck House reception, with David Rodgers of the Irish Guards gi’in’ it laldy.

Seems that the rest of the world loves a piper at a wedding when the couple exits the kirk, but the royals are more about private pipers, playing out of earshot of the public, for their own amusement.



  1. At least the maid of honor was named “Pippa” which I understand is a local term for piper in the duchy of Cambridge…

  2. Andrew: I usually just enjoy the articles and rebuttals but this time I should point out that Pipe Major Rogers, Irish Guards, is by appointment piper to the Royal Colonel of his regiment – Prince William. Who did you think should play for them? The ever changing prize-winner of some contest, like Tiger Woods, may suddenly expose himself as someone other than a gentleman.

    Pipe Major Hugh Macpherson (CWO Retired)

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