August 12, 2014

pipes|drums puts on a FREE Little Supper at Piping Live!

hamburger“The Lament for the Little Supper” is a terrific shorter piobaireachd, but there will be no lamenting on Thursday, August 14th, when pipes|drums Magazine provides the first 50 people to line up at the National Piping Centre’s front desk to voucher for receive a free pint or soft drink and hamburger outside the National Piping Centre to say thanks to our readers for another great year!

PintThe pipes|drums Little Supper will start at 6 pm on World’s Eve. The first 50 can enjoy a beer and a burger while they listen to the Grade 2 Portland Metro Pipe Band practice outdoors, in what’s hoped to be dry weather.

“Mainly due to the Friday start to the World’s, we weren’t able to hold our usual performance events,” said pipes|drums Editor Andrew Berthoff. “But we wanted to show our appreciation, and came up with The Little Supper concept with the Piping Live! Folks. We hope that the first 50 will enjoy a beer and a burger while they enjoy listening to the Portland Metro band.”

  • The pipes|drums Little Supper
  • What: A free beer or soft drink and burger for the first 50 people only
  • When: Thursday, August 14, 6 pm
  • Where: National Piping Centre
  • Go to: NPC front desk
  • Compliments of: pipes|drums Magazine

We hope to see you there!




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