Urquhart overall best at SPA in Glasgow
Glasgow – April 14, 2012 – Darach Urquhart was the overall winner at the 85th annual Scottish Pipers Association competition. The contest marked the 70th Anniversary of the battle of El Alamein, and the heroic actions of Duncan McIntyre who led his comrades into action as played the his pipes after being shot and eventually killed. McIntyre’s great niece, Jackie Sheddan, presented the prizes, including the Duncan McIntyre Trophy for the Strathspey & Reel. The trophy was originally donated to the SPA in 1946 by the Glasgow Transport Corporation, of which McIntyre was a member.
1st Darach Urquhart
2nd Gordon McCready
3rd Gary Carruthers
4th Colin Campbell
Judges: Dugald MacNeill, Willie Morrison
1st David Wilton
2nd Darach Urquhart
3rd Steven Leask
4th William Geddes
Judges: Iain MacLellan, John Wilson
Strathspey & Reel
1st Darach Urquhart
2nd David Wilton
3rd William Geddes
4th Steven Leask
Judges: Iain MacLellan, John Wilson
Former Winners MSR
1st David Wilton
2nd Jonathan Greenlees
3rd Gordon McCready
Judges: Iain MacLellan, John Wilson