January 30, 2018

World’s 2018 down to one Gr1 Ontario band

this past summer,” said PPBSO President Chris Buchanan. “We’re looking to expand on those programs as time and resources permit, and it is my hope that conversations about education and teaching will lead to the development of sustainable programs that will benefit both the current membership and potential future members of our organization.”

Perhaps ironically, the participation at the World’s by Ontario-based bands played a significant role in turning what was once more or a less just another RSPBA major championship, into the 200-plus-band international mega-contest that it is today, attracting groups from all over the world, injecting millions into the Glasgow economy.

Before 1983, top Ontario bands competed only sporadically at the World Championships or other RSPBA majors, with now defunct bands Clan MacFarlane and City of Toronto making occasional trips. Cheaper and more air-travel options, combined with a steady rise in the number and quality of Ontario-based pipers and drummers, resulted in increased participation.





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