World’s Week Grade 1 Practice Scheds
pipes|drums is pleased to bring our readers our thirteenth annual Guide to World’s Week Practices for Grade 1 Bands – compiled especially for keen visitors looking to learn how the pros do it . . . or for intrepid spies hoping to gain inside knowledge.
We diligently canvassed, asked nicely, gently reminded and gave one last chance all 22 pipe-majors or band managers for their input, and what follows, in alphabetical order, is everything that we received.
Keep checking back, since additions are sure to be made. Those without details are simply because we did not hear from them, so perhaps they are on holiday. Of course the listings here might change, so be advised to double-check before you get on a plane to, say, Dublin.
For those in Scotland over the week, we hope that you enjoy seeking out your favourite bands as they polish up their chops for the weekend!