National Tartan Day

Date(s): April 7, 2012

Location: Ottawa,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

Presented by the Sons of Scotland Pipe Band of Ottawa, National Tartan Day celebrates tradition and heritage in the nation's capital. 12 noon the front lawn of Parliament Hill hosts a 1 hour show which features pipes and drums from all across the region, highland dancing presentations, and Scottish country dancing too. Wear your tartan, bring your friends, and come be a part of history on Sunday April 8 in Ottawa, Canada.


National Tartan Day

Date(s): April 9, 2011

Location: Ottawa,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

A celebration of Canada's National Tartan and Tartan Day all over the world presented by the Sons of Scotland Pipe Band of Ottawa. Gaelic choir Ar Oran, the Ingleneuk Scottish Country Dancers, the MacCulloch School of Dance and massed pipes and drums with highland dancing make for a terrific event for everyone. Show starts at 12 noon, and everyone is encouraged to wear their own tartans.


National Tartan Day

Date(s): April 4, 2009

Location: Ottawa, Canada,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

The Sons of Scotland Pipe Band present the 3rd annual celebration of tartans, music and multiculturalism - National Tartan Day being held on Sunday, April 5 on Parliament Hill at 12 noon. Come in your tartans, play with the band and join MP Scott Reid and more special guests in this special day. More information on the Sons site at We hope to see you there !



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