Video – 2015 North American Champions: 78th Fraser Highlanders
Maxville, Ontario – August 1, 2015 – The 78th Fraser Highlanders were named the 2015 North American Pipe Band Champions at the Glengarry Highland Games on a warm day that saw the usual very large crowd in Maxville. Greater Midwest took the Grade 2 title in the biggest event for that grade at Maxville in more than a decade. In the solo competitions, Andrea Boyd of Ottawa was the Professional Piper of the Day and Tyler Bridge of Guelph, Ontario, was the Amateur Piper of the Day. Aaron Carter from Edmonton was Professional Snare Drummer of the Day, and Devin Paynetr scored the equivalent prize on the amateur side.
Fifty-three bands and nearly 200 solo players competed over the two-day event, the largest by far in the continent. Although there was a forecast for thunderstorms in the afternoon, rain held off until later at the massed bands.
Grade 1 (four competed)
1st 78th Fraser Highlanders (16)
2nd Ottawa Police Service (17)
3rd Toronto Police (21)
4th Peel Regional Police (26)
Drumming: 78th Fraser Highlanders
1st 78th Fraser Highlanders (ens.pref.) (3,3,1,1)
2nd Ottawa Police Service (1,1,2,4)
3rd Peel Regional Police (4,2,3,2)
4th Toronto Police (2,4,4,3)
Judges: Glenna MacKay-Johnstone, Bob MacCrimmon (piping); Greg Dinsdale (drumming); John Fisher (ensemble)
1st 78th Fraser Highlanders (ens.pref.) (3,3,1,1)
2nd Toronto Police (2,1,2,3)
3rd Ottawa Police Service (1,2,4,2)
4th Peel Regional Police (4,4,3,4)
Judges: John Wilson, Andrew Berthoff (piping); Michael Hunter (drumming); Bob Worrall (ensemble).
Grade 2 (10 competed)
1st Greater Midwest (16)
2nd New York Metro (28)
3rd College of Piping Summerside (30)
4th City of Dunedin (43)
5th Viscount Park (44)
6th Prince Charles (45)
7th City of Regina (50)
8th Rocky Mountain (54)
9th Great Lakes (65)
10th Paris Port Dover (70)
Drumming: Greater Midwest
1st New York Metro (3,1,2,1)
2nd Greater Midwest (2,3,1,3)
3rd Prince Charles (1,8,5,2)
4th Viscount Park (5,5,3,4)
5th College of Piping Summerside (8,4,4,5)
6th City of Dunedin (4,2,9,7)
7th City of Regina (7,6,8,6)
8th Rocky Mountain (6,7,7,8)
9th Great Lakes (9,10,6,9)
10th Paris Port Dover (10,9,10,10)
Judges: John Wilson, Andrew Berthoff (piping); Michael Hunter (drumming); Bob Worrall (ensemble)
1st Greater Midwest (2,1,1,3)
2nd College of Piping Summerside (3,3,2,1)
3rd New York Metro (4,5,7,2)
4th City of Dunedin (1,2,10,8)
5th City of Regina (7,4,8,4)
6th Rocky Mountain (9,6,3,6)
7th Viscount Park (6,9,5,7)
8th Prince Charles (10,8,6,5)
9th Great Lakes (8,10,4,9)
10th Paris Port Dover (5,7,9,10)
Judges: Glenna MacKay-Johnstone, Bob MacCrimmon (piping); Greg Dinsdale (drumming); John Fisher (ensemble)

Grade 3 (MSR,13 competed)
1st MacMillan (2,1,2,1)
2nd Manchester (1,3,3,3)
3rd Windsor Police (3,2,6,2)
4th Worcester Kiltie (4,9,1,6)
5th Toronto Police (Gr.3) (6,6,5,4)
6th Hamilton Police (7,7,4,7)
7th Glengarry (9,5,8,5)
8th 78th Highlanders (Halifax Citadel) (Gr.3) (8,4,13,8)
9th Rob Roy (5,8,11,9)
10th St. Andrew’s (12,10,10,10)
11th Penetangore (11,11,9,12)
12th Saffron United (13,13,7,11)
13th Durham Regional Police (10,12,12,13)
Judges: Charlie MacDonald,John Elliott (piping); Hugh Cameron (drumming; Michael Grey (ensemble)
Grade 4 (Medley,13 competed)
1st City of Dunedin (Gr.4) (7,2,1,2)
2nd College of Piping Summerside (Gr.4) (2,7,4,3)
3rd Stuart Highlanders (Gr.4) (1,6,10,1)
4th Arnprior MacNab (5,4,6,5)
5th Guelph (4,5,8,4)
6th Air Force City (8,3,2,9)
7th Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (3,1,12,8)
8th Empire (6,8,5,11)
9th Hamilton Police (10,9,7,6)
10th Grand Celtic (9,10,9,7)
11th Firefighter McFadden (11,11,3,10)
12th Sons of Scotland (12,12,11,12)
Judges: Glenna MacKay Johnstone,Bob MacCrimmon (piping); Greg Dinsdale (drumming); John Fisher (ensemble)
Grade 5 (March Medley,13 competed)
1st Barrie (1,2,2,1)
2nd Fredericton Society of Saint Andrew (5,5,1,2)
3rd Niagara Regional Police (3,1,5,4)
4th Durham Regional Police (2,4,6,5)
5th College of Piping Summerside (Gr.5) (8,9,3,3)
6th White Heather (6,6,7,8)
7th Ryan Russell Memorial (7,7,8,6)
8th Grand Celtic (Gr.5) (10,3,9,7)
9th Quigley Highlanders (4,8,12,10)
10th Glengarry (Gr.5) (11,11,4,9)
11th Sons of Scotland (Gr.5) (9,10,10,11)
12th Montreal Pipes and Drums (12,12,11,12)
Judges: Heather Wiens,Charlie MacDonald (piping); Mike Hunter (drumming); Bob Worrall (ensemble)