Bucksburn Searching for P-M After Rhynas Resigns
The Grade 1 Bucksburn & District Pipe Band of Aberdeen, Scotland, is suddenly in need of a Pipe-Major due to the departure of Scott Rhynas because of work commitments.
Rhynas is the latest in a series of leaders in Grade 1 bands to give up their post because of demands on time. Already this fall the 78th Fraser Highlanders, Toronto Police and Glasgow Skye Association bands have lost leading drummers.
Bucksburn is currently searching for a new Pipe-Major, but openly recognizes that finding someone with the skill and time to take over a competitive Grade 1 band is difficult, especially in the relatively band piping-thin northeast of Scotland.
Bucksburn & District, founded in 1947, is one of the older bands in Scotland, and has moved several times between Grade 1 and Grade 2 over the last 20 years.
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