Donald MacLeod Memorial Goes to Angus MacColl
Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland – April 5, 2002 –Angus MacColl of Benderloch, Scotland, emerged the overall winner at the annual Donald MacLeod Memorial Invitational Piping Competition here today. MacColl won the piobaireachd section and was third in the MSR event to snag the aggregate, while Chris Armstrong, Bathgate, Scotland, won both the MSR and Hornpipe & Jig events, continuing his ascent to the top of the light music tree.
The contest pays homage to MacLeod by requiring competitors to his original compositions, including piobaireachd. MacLeod is seen by many as the greatest composer of pipe music of the last hundred years.
1st Angus MacColl, “Field of Gold”
2nd Alasdair Gillies, Pittsburgh
3rd Gordon Walker
4th William McCallum, Bearsden, Scotland
1st Chris Armstrong, “Mrs. Duncan MacFadyen,” “Major Manson at Clachantrushal,” “Capt. Colin Campbell,” “Caber Feidh,” “Drumlithie,” “John Morrison of Assynt House”
2nd Gordon Walker
3rd Angus MacColl
4th Alasdair Gillies
Hornpipe & Jig
1st Chris Armstrong, “The Piper’s Controversy,”, “Geese in the Bog”
2nd Alasdair Gillies
3rd William McCallum
4th Donald MacPhee, Alexandria, Scotland
1st Angus MacColl
2nd Gordon Walker
Also competing but not in the prize lists were Niall Matheson, Inverness, and Stuart Shedden, Glasgow. Judges for all events were Iain MacFadyen, Rona Lightfoot and Iain Morrison.
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