New Chris Armstrong collection debuts Aug. 6th in digital-only format (video interview)
Chris Armstrong is a piper who’s had a few firsts in his career, and on Monday, August 6th, at Piping Live! he will add another with the launch of his third collection of Highland bagpipe music, this time available only in electronic format – a first for the piping world.
The new collection—named Re:Tradition – will offer sound files embedded with each tune, so that purchasers can listen to Armstrong’s rendition of the composition.
The collection will also be available for sale on a memory stick, allowing purchasers to purchase the book at events such as the launch performance and from select dealers in the future.
In the forward to the collection, Armstrong writes, “With this collection I wanted to get across a different image from what I have done before, and I hope I have achieved this.”
With an estimated price of £20, Re:Tradition is believed to be the first major book of original tunes not to offer a printed version. A prolific composer and the Pipe-Major of the Grade 1 ScottishPower Pipe Band, Armstrong has published two collections previously: Notes Frae Ma Heid and Notes Frae Ma Heid 2.
Armstrong will launch the new collection at an event at the Street Café marquee outside of the National Piping Centre in Glasgow on August 6th as part of the 2012 Piping Live! Glasgow International Piping Festival.
Beginning on August 6th, the digital book will be available directly from Armstrong through his new website, which he hopes to complete in the next few weeks.