Numerous Motions Passed at PPBSO AGM
St. Catherines, Ontario – November 3, 2001 – The Pipers & Pipe Band Society of Ontario held its annual general meeting here today, with only about 40 of the association’s approximately 1200 members attending.
The meeting resulted in the adoption or amendment of some 22 rules, dramatically more than usual. Many of the new rules seemed to be in response to the points system previously used at the North American Championships at Maxville. At the 2001 contest, the 78th Fraser Highlanders won the event on points, despite the fact that the Toronto Police had five of eight first placings. See story.
Re-elected to two-year terms were Bob Allen, president, and George Leonard, treasurer.
New rules and amendments to existing rules passed at the 2001 PPBSO AGM:
That rule C-15.2(d) be amended to read: (d) A Grade 3 Amateur competitor shall submit and play through without stopping one four-parted 2/4 march, one two-parted strathspey, and one two-parted reel.
– Jimmy Agnew, Niagara Hamilton Branch
That rule C-15.2(e) be amended to read: (e) A Grade 4 Amateur competitor shall submit one four-parted 2/4 march.
– Jimmy Agnew, Niagara Hamilton Branch
That the PPBSO establish an Intermediate Amateur Piobaireachd contest with the requirement being 2 tunes of which one will be picked for any given contest.
– Geoff Neigh, Western Branch
What it means: There are now four categories for amateur solo piobaireachd competitions.
That rule D-4.1 be amended to read: Each band must register with the PPBSO Office on the day of the Competition prior to or at the time of the draw (11:00 a.m.). Failure to do so prohibits the band from playing. In special circumstances, the Chief Steward may, at his or her discretion, allow such a band to play first in the Competition, provided that the order of play or the playing times of the other bands are not changed from those drawn.
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
What it means: If a band does not register on time at a contest it may be prohibited from competing.
That new rule D-4.1.(b) Bands Requesting to Play First be accepted as follows: Bands requesting to play first in any contest must request to do so prior to the 11:00 a.m. meeting and subject to the discretion of the Executive, otherwise rule D4.1.(a) applies.
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
What it means: bands must submit a formal application to be first in the draw.
That rule D-4.2 Draw for Position and Playing Time be amended to read: Draw for position and approximate playing time will normally take place at the PPBSO Office approximately one week before the games and will be announced at 11:00 a.m. on the day of the games. The draw for position and approximate playing time for Champion Supreme Games shall be made at least two weeks prior to the Contest and announced at 11:00 a.m. on the day of the games. For Contests where bands play twice, the draw for each Contest shall be the same, and shall be drawn at least two weeks in advance of the Contest. (1988 AGM; 1994)
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
That rule D-4.4 Competition Order be amended to read: At all games, unless otherwise requested by a Games committee, the order of Competitions in each Competition circle will be from the lowest grade band to the highest grade band in that circle.
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
That rule D-15.3 More Than One Performance be amended to read: For contests comprising of both medley and MSR the Executive, with input from the Music Board, will establish a new rule to reflect a ranking method similar to that used by the RSPBA at the World Championships.
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
What it means: No more use of points for grades 1 and 2 at Maxville.
That rule D-15.4 Ties be amended by the Executive, with input from the Music Board, to devise a more comprehensive rule on tie breaking for the 2002 Rulebook, reflecting, but not necessarily the same as, the RSPBA practice as follows:
In the event of a tie the decision shall be reached as follows: In any type of Band Contest:
1st preference – Ensemble Total
2nd preference – Piping Total
3rd preference – Piping – Musical Performance
4th preference – Drumming – Musical Performance
5th preference – Ensemble – March, Strathspey and Reel
6th preference – Piping – Musical performance – MSR
7th preference – Drumming – Musical Performance – MSR
8th preference – In the event of a tie in the drumming the corps with the highest points in the March, Strathspey and Reel contest shall be the winner.
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
What it means: At contests where two events determine the winner, a single judge is less likely to determine the winner.
That rule D-10.4 Time of Disqualification be amended to read: Any disqualification for lateness must be imposed before a band begins their performance.
– Craig Stewart, Toronto Branch
What it means: a band cannot be told after it plays that it in fact should be disqualified.
That rule D-15.1 Ten or More Bands be deleted.
– Craig Stewart, Toronto Branch
What it means: Only the PPBSO’s ranking system will be used from now on. No more use of points.
That rule D15.2 Nine or Fewer Bands be amended to read: D-15 Method of Determining Winning Positions in Contests. Winning positions at all competitions are based on a ranking method as follows:
The lowest total of all ranking positions in (ii), (iii) and (iv) above wins first place, second lowest wins second place, third lowest wins third place, and so on.
– Craig Stewart, Toronto Branch
What it means: New ranking system in line with what the RSPBA has established.
That rule D-6.3 Grade 2 be amended to read: Minimums for Grade 2 are 6 pipers, 2 side drummers, 1 bass. Grade 2 pipe bands may add a higher grade piper as their Pipe Major only, in addition to the minimum 6 other pipers, provided that he or she is registered as their piping
instructor. Grade 2 pipe bands may add a higher grade drummer as their lead drummer only, in addition to the minimum 2 other side drummers, providing that he or she is registered as their drumming instructor.
– Don Forgan, Niagara Hamilton Branch
What it means: Grade 2 bands can be run by someone also playing with a Grade 1 band.
That a new rule D-10 Contest Performance be added as set out below, and subsequent rule numbers to be amended accordingly.
D-10 Contest Performance
D-10.1The first band to compete will be advised as to the time it must be at the starting line in the Contest Arena; thereafter, it is the duty of each succeeding Band to move forward as directed by the Stewards, in accordance with the playing time provided.
D-10.2 Stewards may be provided as an aid to Bands, but they carry no responsibility for the non-attendance of any band in the contest arena.
D-10.3 The final responsibility rests with each Band to be at the starting line as and when required and any Band failing to do so and not complying with official instructions, is subject to immediate disqualification.
D-10.4 Bands will arrive at the starting line properly dressed, including headdress and come to a halt.
D-10.5 After halting at the start line, no Bandsperson will be allowed to withdraw.
D-10.6 The dropping or adding of players after the Set or Medley draw had been made at the start line, is not permitted.
D-10.7 The performance will commence from the “at ease” position with the pipes down.
D-10.8 On a signal from the Ensemble Adjudicator, the Band will commence it’s performance on the appropriate and correctly given command from the Pipe Major, i.e., (a) Band Attention, (B) Get Ready, (C) Ready, (D) By the Right Quick March. All commands may be preceded by the caution, “Band” or “Pipes and Drums.”
D-10.9 It will be the duty of the Adjudicator giving the signal to the Band, to ensure that the other Adjudicators are ready.
– Bob Allen, Western Branch
What it means: PPBSO will adopt decorum rules currently in place in the RSPBA.
That rule D-16.1be amended to read : Award. The best Drum Corps in each grade or category shall be determined by the Drumming Judge and be announced.
– Sandy McHale, Niagara Hamilton Branch
What it means: The PPBSO brings back the “Best Drum Corps” prize, which was eliminated in the 1990s because of its potential to divide a band.
That a new rule be added to Section D to read: Bands who have entered to play at a contest must notify the Society 48 hours prior to a contest if they are going to withdraw. Failing to do so, and subject to the discretion of the Executive, will result in a fine levied by the Society of $200.00 and the band will not be permitted to play in their next contest until the fine has been paid in full.
– Geoff Neigh, Western Branch
That rule A-2.4 Membership Cards be amended to read: Membership cards shall be individually mailed to each member of the Society who has not been registered with a Band for that season. In the event that the Society has been advised through the filing of Band rosters that the member is registered to play with a band for the upcoming season, the membership cards will be forwarded to the Band representative for distribution.
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
That a new rule be added to Section D to set out that a third boundary circle be established in the band contest. The first circle defining the band position, the second defining the distance the judges must stay back from the band and the third defining the absolute limit of the closeness of the audience/spectators. Where possible, the third circle to be a minimum of 15 feet from the second circle. (This would allow a reasonable distance for the judges to perform their duty undisturbed and to properly hear the whole band.)
– Geoff Neigh, Western Branch
What it means: Judges won’t be tripping over the audience.
That rule A-12.1 Ombudsman be amended by the Executive to explain the functioning of the Ombudsman’s role that is under development by the Executive and attempt to develop a by-law.
– Darlene Harrison, Toronto Branch
What it means: The PPBSO Ombudsman position will be defined and made an official rule.
That the Pre-Amble to Part A: General Rules of the Society be amended to add:
Part A of this Rule Book is offered as a summary for guidance only and is not intended to conflict with the Ontario Corporations Act and Regulations, Letters Patent, Supplementary Letters Patent or By-Laws.
– Charlie MacDonald, Toronto Branch
That the PPBSO draft a sexual harassment policy.
– Tracy Ballantyne, Western Branch
That the PPBSO draft a code of conduct policy.
– Tracy Ballantyne, Western Branch
That the bylaws, rules, and regulations in effect today continue for the next year.
– Charlie MacDonald, PPBSO Executive
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