Prince Charles Wins First Contest as ‘Official’ Grade 1 Band
Woodland, California – April 27-28, 2002 – The Prince Charles Pipe Band of San Francisco won its first competitions as a Grade 1 band officially upgraded by the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association, beating the Los Angeles Scots Pipe Band at the Sacramento Valley Highland Games over two events this weekend.
The event was the first outdoor contest of the year for both bands. The LA Scots had spent most of 2001 rebuilding, and attracting new members to bolster its ranks.
In the MSR event, Prince Charles received straight first placings from the three judge panel. The band also won the Sunday Medley competition, receiving only a second placing in drumming. Prince Charlers played with 12 pipers, with new Pipe-Major Colin Berta, who took over this fall. LA Scots competed with 18 pipers both days.
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