Queen Mary launches 2014 Western US season voyage
Long Beach, California – February 15-16, 2014 – The 21st annual Queen Mary Scottish Festival once again marked the first outdoor event of the piping and drumming season for the western United States, with temperatures in the upper twenties. Sixteen bands and more than 125 solo competitors participated before more than 15,000 spectators, thought to be a record for the event. The Grade 1 L.A. Scots Pipe Band performed on both days, unveiling new music and a revamped roster, including new bass drummer Amber Bartholomuesz.
Grade 3 (seven competed)
Timed Medley
1st Bushmills Irish Pipers of San Francisco
2nd Wasatch & District
3rd Pasadena Scots
Grade 4 (nine competed)
Timed Medley
1st L.A. Scots (Gr4)
2nd Long Beach Fire Department
3rd Kevin R. Blandford Memorial
Grade 4
Grade 4
March Medley
1st L.A. Scots?(Gr4)
2nd Wasatch & District
3rd University of California Riverside?
Grade 3
1st Bushmills Irish Pipers of San Francisco
2nd Wasatch & District
3rd Cameron Highlanders of San Diego
Solo Piping Overall Winners
Grade 1
Andrew Hahn
Grade 2
Dylan Chrismer
Grade 3
Taylor Smith
Grade 4
17 & Under
Conner Hamnquist
18 & Over
Steven Ricotta