R.G. Hardie goes into liquidation
Almost two months after the liquidation of the assets of The Band Room, that organization’s sister company, R.G. Hardie & Co., has reportedly also gone bust, allegedly leaving nearly a quarter-million dollars in unpaid bills and undelivered merchandise.
Debts of the two companies allegedly approach a half-million dollars, with creditors unlikely to see any portion of their money returned.
Acquired in 2004 by Paul and Brian McComish, the R.G. Hardie company dates to the 1960s when Robert Hardie purchased the historic bagpipe-maker, Peter Henderson Ltd. When purchasing R.G. Hardie, the McComishes also acquired the Weatherston brand.
Since The Band Room went bankrupt pipers, drummers, and bands around the world have been left in a lurch. Numerous allegations were sent to Piper & Drummer Online stating that The Band Room had demanded money up front for merchandise ordered only weeks before the company’s insolvency. Some bands were out thousands of pounds for drums and other equipment that were never delivered.
Piper & Drummer Online received news from a reliable source stating that the company attempted to cover a monetary debt by exchanging two sets of “new” bagpipes. When the pipes were found to be instruments sent to The Band Room by their owners for refurbishing, the creditor sought out the owners and returned the bagpipes.
Paul McComish had not responded to inquiries at the time of this story.
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