Strathclyde and Shotts pipers holding “tag-team” solo piping marathon for charity
Pipers from the Grade 2 Strathclyde Fire & Rescue Pipe Band and the Grade 1 Strathclyde Police Pipe Band and House of Edgar-Shotts & Dykehead
aren’t weren’t sure of the official Guinness World Record, but they hope to play for at least 24 hours straight, all in aid of the Glasgow Marie Curie Hospice charity.
Alasdair Brown from Strathclyde Fire & Rescue is leading the charge, the event taking place outside of the hospice itself starting at 2 pm on Saturday, May 26th, and continuing, he hopes, until 2 pm the next day.
While Brown has enlisted the help of several pipers, there are a few slots when only two pipers are available, so he invites those interested in helping to contact him and come out from 6 pm to 10 pm Saturday, 10 pm Saturday until 2 am Sunday, and 10 am to 2 pm Sunday, to ensure reinforcements. Brown himself will be playing in each of the 24 hours.
Those wishing to donate may do so via Alasdair Brown’s Just Giving page.
The official record for a piping marathon is held by Andrew Belson, Jordon Anderson, Frederic Cote and William Scanell who played for 120 hours (five days) straight, August 6-11, 1988, in Montreal, and were issued an official Guinness Book of Records certificate. is not known. But in In 1972 a group of pipers from the Aberdeen University Officer Training Corps Pipe Band played for 80 straight hours. The pipers included future Gold Medalists Alan MacDonald and Jack Taylor.