Canterbury wins New Zealand Championship
Tauranga, New Zealand – March 10, 2012 – The 2012 New Zealand Pipe Band Championship went to the Canterbury Caledonian Society, which won the Medley event and finished second to Auckland & District in the MSR. Last-place marks in each event spoiled Auckland’s shot at the big prize. In Grade 2, Moorabin City enjoyed a perfect day, with eight first-place marks.
Grade 1
1st Canterbury Caledonia (2,1,2,2)
2nd Auckland & District (1,3,4,1)
3rd Manawatu Scottish (3,2,3,3)
4th New Zealand Police (4,4,1,4)
Judges: Brian Switalla, Brendon Eade (piping); Bill Livingstone (ensemble); R. Turner (drumming)
1st Auckland & District (4,1,1,2)
2nd Canterbury Caledonia (1,4,2,1)
3rd Manawatu Scottish (2,2,3,3)
4th New Zealand Police (3,3,4,4)
Judges: Brian Niven, N. Foster (piping); C. Meinsmith (ensemble); S. Eeles (drumming)
Grade 2 overall
1st Moorabin City
2nd City of Invercargill
3rd St Andrews College A
4th Manawatu Scottish No.2
5th Temuka
6th Hamilton Caledonian #1
Grade 3 overall
1st Wynnum RSL
2nd South Canterbury
3rd Canterbury Caledonian Royal Stewart
4th City of Hastings
5th Horowhenua
6th Auckland Police
Grade 4A overall
1st Celtic
2nd Mataura Kilties
3rd City of Invercargill
4th Red Hackle
5th City of Nelson
6th Riccarton & Scottish Society