Field Marshal makes it a clean sweep at Cowal
Dunoon, Scotland – August 27, 2011 – Field Marshal Montgomery made it a clean sweep of all five RSPBA major championships with a win at Cowal, continuing one of the best seasons by a band in history. FMM secured the Grade 1 Champion of Champions award, as did House of Edgar-Shotts & Dykehead’s drum section, which won the drumming. Weather was variable throughout the day. The day was dampened by the shocking news of the legendary piper Alasdair Gillies’s death at the age of 47.
Grade 1
1st Field Marshal Montgomery
2nd Inveraray & District
3rd Boghall & Bathgate
4th St. Laurence O’Toole
5th Strathclyde Police
6th ScottishPower
Drumming: House of Edgar-Shotts & Dykehead
Grade 2
1st Seven Towers
2nd Grampian Police
3rd Buchan
4th Denny & Dunpiace
5th Lomond & Clyde
6th Phoenix Honda-Glasgow-Skye
Drumming: Seven Towers