HD video: Field Marshal Montgomery – 2014 World Champions
Glasgow – August 16, 2014 – Field Marshal Montgomery were crowned 2014 World Champions following two days of competition at Glasgow Green against 22 other bands from around the globe. Contestants on the final day of competition had to deal with at times extremely difficult weather, but thankfully nothing like the situation that had been forecasted. With Grade 1 finishing before 3:30 pm, enough time was available to hold the Grade 2 final in the main arena, to the enjoyment of those on the park and the many watching the streamed broadcast via the BBC. The announcement of all final results were not complete until nearly 8 pm.

Grade 1
1st Field Marshal Montgomery (Northern Ireland)
2nd Inveraray & District (Scotland)
3rd St Laurence O’Toole (Ireland)
4th Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia (Scotland)
5th Shotts & Dykehead Caledonia (Scotland)
6th ScottishPower (Scotland)
Drumming: Shotts & Dykehead Caledonia (Scotland)

1st Inveraray & District (5,3,3,1)
2nd Field Marshal Montgomery (1,1,7,4)
3rd St. Laurence O’Toole (6,2,4,2)
4th ScottishPower (3,5,2,5)
5th Peoples Ford-Boghall & Bathgate (4,4,5,3)
6th Shotts & Dykehead (2,6,1,8)
Judges: Robert Pollock, Cameron Edgar (piping); Greg Dinsdale (drumming); Joe Noble (ensemble)
1st Field Marshal Montgomery (1,2,2,1)
2nd Inveraray & Distict (3,1,6,2)
3rd St. Laurence O’Toole (5,3,3,3)
4th People Ford-Boghall & Bathgate (6,6,1,4)
5th Simon Fraser University (2,4,5,6)
6th Shotts & Dykehead (4,5,4,7)
Judges: Nat Russell, Jim Semple (piping); Gordon Parkes (drumming); Trevor Dear (ensemble). MSR
Grade 2 (12 competed in final)
1st Brieg (France)
2nd Bleary & District (Northern Ireland)
3rd Buchan Peterson (Scotland)
4th Lomond & Clyde (Scotland)
5th Mackenzie Caledonian (Scotland)
6th St. Thomas Alumni (USA)
Drumming: Buchan Peterson
Judges: Peter Snaddon, Sam Young (piping); Paul Turner (drumming); John MacInnes (ensemble)

Grade 3A
1st Johnstone (Scotland)
2nd 101 Northumbrian Regiment R.A. (England)
3rd RAF Waddington/Halton (Scotland)
4th Royal Burgh of Stirling (Scotland)
5th Ballybriest (Northern Ireland)
6th Annsborough (Northern Ireland)
Drumming: Johnstone
Judges: John McCarlie, Ken Eller (piping); David Brown (drumming); Tony Sloane (ensemble)
Grade 3B
1st Thiepval Memorial
2nd Craigmount
3rd Upper Crossgare
4th Matt Boyd Memorial
5th Belgian Blend
6th Wallacestone & District
Drumming: Royal Burgh of Annan
Judges: Dixie Ingram, Robert Mathieson (piping); Sandy Russell (drumming); Jim Baxter (ensemble)
1st Dollar Academy
2nd George Watson’s College
3rd Boghall & Bathgate
4th Scotch College Melbourne (Australia)
5th Kintyre Schools
6th George Heriot’s School
Drumming: George Watson’s College
Judges: Nat Russell, Jim Semple (piping); Gordon Parkes (drumming); Trevor Dear (ensemble)
Grade 4A
1st 2622 (Highland) Squadron RAF
2nd Lochmaben Royal Burgh
3rd Tralee Pipes & Drums
4th Closkelt
5th 3rd Batallion The Royal Regiment of Scotland
6th Marlacoo & District
Drumming: 2622 (Highland) Squadron RAF
Judges: Ronnie McShannon, John Wilson (piping); Alex Dudgeon (drumming); Jennifer Hutcheon (ensemble)
Grade 4B
1st Burnt Island & District
2nd Methil & District
3rd Royal Burgh of Stirling
4th Whitewater
5th Ballyboley
6th Irvine & District
Drumming: Burnt Island & District
Judges: James Campbell, Colin Moffett (piping); William Black (drumming); Ciaran Mordaunt (ensemble)
Novice Juvenile
1st George Watson’s College
2nd George Heriot’s School
3rd West Lothian Schools
4th Dollar Academy
5th Robert Malcolm Memorial
6th Preston Lodge High School
Drumming: George Herriot’s School
Judges: Ian Wood, Jim Wark (piping); Sandy Steele (drumming); Malcolm MacKenzie (ensemble)