October 31, 2012

First-round PPBSO Ottawa branch winter knockouts

Ottawa – October 13, 2012 – The Ottawa Branch of the Pipers & Pipe Band Society of Ontario held its first event of the fall/winter amateur knockout series at the HMCS Bytown Naval Officers’ Mess in downtown Ottawa. Competitors earn points at events through the series, with the finals to be held February 23, 2013. The event was well-attended, with seats at a premium. The evening began with the presentation of the 2012 Eastern Ontario Champion Supreme Awards for solo and band events. Ed Bush judged the piping and Scott Nicholson the drumming.

Piping “A” Division (two 6/8 marches; nine competed)
1st Scott Pollon, “Dovecote Park,” “Calum Rife’s Fanfare”
2nd Cameron Baskerville, “Jean Mauchline,” “Angus MacKinnon”
3rd Nico Gravel, “MacDonald of the Isles,” “Lord MacPherson of Drumochter”
4th Walter McLeish, “Leaving Port Askaig,” “P-M John McLellan”
5th Valerie Cooke Johnson, “Bruce Gandy’s Farewell to the Iron Horse,” “Fire Drill”
6th Jason J. Baird, “Angus MacKinnon,” “Dornoch Highland Gathering”

Piping “B” Division (4/4 march; 14 competed)
1st Alexander Robertson
2nd Chris MacDonnell
3rd Justin Reid
4th Marshall MacPherson
5th Finley van de Ven
6th Robert McNaull

Drumming “A” Division (Hornpipe & Jig; two competed)
1st Eric Wilson
2nd Devin Roberts

Drumming “B” Division (2/4 march; three competed)
1st James Wallace Johnson
2nd Kiernan Alexander
3rd Kelsey Bailey




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