Happy New Year . . . and here’s to a brighter future
Before we get back to our daily work to bring you the news, information and fun you deserve, we want to say thanks to all of you for staying tuned to pipes|drums.
Despite the dearth of competitions, our readership numbers continued to increase in 2021.
We published nearly 400 stories over the last 12 months, trying to keep you informed, educated and entertained every day.
Our year wouldn’t have been nearly as good without the help of the many contributors to our feature stories and videos:
Euan Anderson, Chris Apps, Kris Bawden, Callum Beaumont, Alan Bevan, Iain Blakeley, Xavier Boderiou, Keith Bowes, John Cairns, Corrie Campbell, Jeannie Campbell, Jori Chisholm, Fraser Clark, Emmett Conway, Arthur Cook, Graham Davidson, Jenna Dennison, John Dew, Lachie Dick, Martin Docherty, Willie Donaldson, Brian Donaldson, Margaret Dunn, Allan Eaton, Jim Feeney, Bruce Gandy, Alex Gandy, Paula Glendinning, Robert Gray, Ainsley Hart, Jenny Hazzard, Shaunna Hilder, Nick Hudson, Dr. John Smith, Allan Jones, Jake Jørgensen, Elaine Lee, Jack Lee, Terry Lee, Leilani Lucas, Meaghan Lyons, Dr. Angus MacDonald, Calum MacDonald, Iain MacDonald (Regina), R.S. MacDonald, Lorne MacDougall, Kylie MacHattie, James MacHattie, Iain MacInnes, Glenna Mackay-Johnstone, Stewart MacKenzie, Katie MacKenzie, Colin MacLellan, Eric MacNeill, Hugh Macpherson, Doug MacRae, Rebecca Mair, Charlie Martin, Liz Maxwell, Willie McCallum, Karen McCrindle Warren, Jim McGillivray, Jimmy McIntosh, Ross Miller, Craig Muirhead, Craig Muirhead, Laura Mullin, Mick O’Neill, Richard Parkes, Jim Sim, Iain Speirs, Jim Stack, Trevor Takahashi, Torquil Telfer, Laureano Thomas-Sanchez, John Walsh, Kyle Warren and Matt Welch.
Thank you to all of these people, and to the many more who provided news tips and inside information along the way.
It’s a time for resolutions, or simply setting goals. Here are a few suggestions:
Purchase at least one music collection – few years have seen so many books of new pipe music as 2021. Support our creators by buying their stuff.
Be less competitive – the loss of competing reminds us that there’s more to all this than competition. If and when we get back to regular contests, shift your focus from winning the prize to playing great music. You’ll be amazed how the latter informs the former.
Learn 24 tunes – that’s two a month. Very much doable. Take a look at some of those classics that might have eluded you so far. Make sure you learn more than just the band stuff.
Make a pipe band change (or don’t) – if there were ever a time to contemplate whether you’re in the right band, it’s now. At least give it some deeper thought, and if you affirm you’re happy where you are, then stay!
Volunteer for your association – piping and drumming organizations run on willing people like you. Offer your time and expertise to make things better, or at least attend meetings to contribute your thoughts.
Buy a new kilt – New Year, new you. Get ready to hit the competition scene with a spanking new kilt from any number of excellent makers.
Upgrade your instrument – there are more excellent bagpipes and drums on offer than ever before. And with so many new products, the price of vintage bagpipes has dropped. Old or new, you’re spoiled for choice. Take advantage.
Teach – provided you now have the knowledge and skills, be a teacher. Add your name to association lists of teachers, offer your services, and pass along your knowledge by starting a new piper or drummer on the right finger. Even if you get someone going with proper hand position, the scale or a tap and pass them to someone else, that’s still teaching.
Contribute to pipes|drums – would you like to write a story? Got a news tip? A simple suggestion? We want to hear from you!
Subscribe or donate to pipes|drums – it costs money to create the quality nonprofit product we strive to bring you. Our only source of revenue is from paid subscriptions, donations and banner advertising. While we offer payment to solicited contributors, no one else takes a penny from the proceeds. We appreciate and thank our subscribers and advertisers and, if you’re not already one, we hope you will join their growing ranks.
Here’s to a healthy, prosperous and happy 2022!
As always, stay tuned.