June Roddy MacLeod MacIver recital a go; 200+ youths learning the pipes in Outer Hebrides
The recital is now scheduled to take place in Balallan, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, on June 24th. The Donald MacLeod Memorial had been scheduled for April 1st in Stornoway, Lewis.
“We decided a few weeks ago that the omens were not looking too good for the Donald MacLeod competition, and that the possibility of losing more money on fares was too much of a risk,” said Lewis & Harris Piping Society Chairman John Smith. “We also consider that the ethos of the competition is for it to take place in Stornoway, so holding a ‘virtual’ competition is not a realistic option. Hopefully, the Donald MacLeod Memorial will resume in the Caladh Hotel April 7, 2023.”
More than 200 youths are now learning the pipes in the Outer Hebrides.
The society also reported that more than 200 youths are now learning the pipes in the Outer Hebrides, and that the local youth pipe band is starting to flourish.
The Donald MacLeod Memorial is one of the world’s top solo contests for the UK’s elite pipers who gain an invitation. The event pays homage to the late great master piper and composer’s music.
Alex MacIver’s compositions are not well known to most, but his 30-odd tunes were compiled by Hector Russell after McIver’s death in 1989, and subsequently donated to the Kinloch Historical Society for future public availability. The McIver recital was originally scheduled for October 1, 2021, but was postponed twice due to the stupid virus.
Roddy MacLeod to showcase Alex MacIver tunes at October 1st recital