McKerrell wins overall at PipeUp Invitational
Belfast – August 5, 2010 – Simon McKerrell of Lenzie, Scotland, won the overall prize at the first Belfast PipeUp International Invitational Solo Piping Competition, an event put on by the Northern Ireland branch of the RSPBA. Jack Lee and Colin MacLellan judged all of the events.
1st Roddy MacLeod, Glasgow, “The Old Men of the Shells”
2nd Simon McKerrell, “In Praise of Marion”
3rd William Geddes, “The Blind Pipers Obstinacy”
1st Roddy MacLeod, “Lord Alexander Kennedy,” “Arniston Castle,” “Ca the Ewes”
2nd Simon McKerrell “Knightswood Ceilidh,” “Hector MacLean,” “Dr. MacPhail’s Reel”
3rdAndrew Carlisle, Northern Ireland, “The Braes of Castle Grant,” “Susan MacLeod” “John Morrison, Assynt House”
Irish Set
1st Simon McKerrell
2nd Andrew Carlisle
3rd Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia