May 23, 2015

Videos: Ottawa Police lays down the gauntlet at Kingston

Kingston, Ontario – May 23, 2015 – The sun shone brightly but temperatures reached only 14 degrees and winds were gusty making it a test of endurance at the annual Kingston Scottish Festival, where the Ottawa Police Services Pipe Band won its first outdoor event as a Grade 1 band against three other more established bands. The Kingston games are only partially sanctioned by the PPBSO, with just the solo events counting towards championship points. But the event used PPBSO certified judges and stewards for the bands.

Ottawa Police coming in to the contest circle at Kingston.

Grade 1 (own-choice medley, four competed)
1st Ottawa Police (2,1,3,1)
2nd Toronto Police (1,3,4,2)
3rd Peel Regional Police (4,2,2,3)
4th Stuart Highlanders (3,4,1,4)
Judges: Andrew Berthoff, Ken Eller (piping); Doug Stronach (drumming); Bob Worrall (ensemble)

Grade 2 (own-choice medley, one played)
1st Paris Port Dover
Judges: Andrew Berthoff, Ken Eller (piping); Doug Stronach (drumming); Bob Worrall (ensemble)

Grade 3 (medley, three competed)
1st Hamilton Police (1,1,2,1)
2ndRob Roy (2,2,1,2)
3rd Glengarry (3,3,3,3)
Judges: Andrew Berthoff, Ken Eller (piping); Doug Stronach (drumming); Bob Worrall (ensemble)

Grade 4 (medley, three competed)
1st Arnprior MacNab (1,1,1,2)
2nd Air Force City (2,2,2,1)
3rd Port Hope & District (3,3,3,4)
4th Sons of Scotland (4,4,4,3)
Judges: Bob Worrall, Andrew Berthoff (piping); Doug Stronach (drumming); Ken Eller (ensemble)

Grade 5 (march medley, four competed)
1st Barrie (1,1,1,1)
2nd Glengarry (3,2,2,2)
3rd Sons of Scotland (Gr5) (2,3,4,3)
4th Smiths Falls Gordon (4,4,3,4)
Judges: Ken Eller, Bob Worrall (piping); Doug Stronach (drumming); Andrew Berthoff (ensemble)




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