December 09, 2023

PPBSO acclaims Andrew Giles as President

The Pipers & Pipe Band Society of Ontario held its 2023 annual general meeting again all online via Zoom web conferencing, and about 55 members of the organization participated.

Andrew Giles, a piper for four decades, was acclaimed President following incumbent Michael Grey’s resignation after one year of his second two-year term. Giles will serve in the role for a year to complete the existing cycle. There were no other accepted nominations for the role.

Giles has an extensive background in marketing and advertising, representing many large brands.

Kevin Shand was acclaimed to the Vice-President role for another two-year term. John Allan was acclaimed for another two-year term as Treasurer.

Brad Davidson was acclaimed as Director-at-Large, serving on the organization’s board of directors for two years.

Vice-President Kevin Shand chaired the meeting for Grey, who did not attend. Incumbent Treasurer John Allan reported that the organization is in a good financial state, and Shand reported on several positive developments.

Members put forward no motions via branch annual meetings and other means available throughout the year.






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