Northern Meeting up next
Apart from far smaller invitational events, the Northern Meeting at Inverness, Scotland, is considered by most top-flight solo pipers as the apex of the art’s competitions, and the 2017 rendition of “Inverness” will be held at the Eden Court Theatre on the banks of the River Ness on Thursday and Friday, August 31st and September 1st.
Last week, the Northern Meeting’s sister event, the Argyllshire Gathering, took place in Oban, Scotland.
+ Oban Day 1: Sutherland takes Gold; Brown, Sr.; MacDougall Silver
+ Oban Day 2: Alex Gandy gets a double
While the second day of the Argyllshire Gathering is held outside and subject to the luck of the weather, all of the Northern Meeting’s events take place in the warm and controlled confines of one of Scotland’s best performing arts venues.
Acceptance to the Northern Meeting is via a review process of the Joint Committee for Solo Piping, which comprises representatives from various organizations, including the Northern Meeting, the Competing Pipers Association, and the Solo Piping Judges Association. The Gold and Silver Medal competitions are each limited to 25 contestants.

Here are the orders-of-play for the senior events, and stay tuned to pipes|drums on Thursday and Friday as results from the Northern Meeting are made available.
Highland Society of London Gold Medal
- James Troy, Victoria, British Columbia
- Derek Midgley, New Jersey
- Peter McCalister, Dunblane, Scotland
- William Geddes, Glasgow
- Sean McKeown, Toronto
- Connor Sinclair, Crieff, Scotland
- James MacHattie, Summerside, Prince Edward Island
- Gordon Bruce, Kilwinning, Scotland
- Sandy Cameron, Roy Bridge, Scotland
- Jamie Forrester, London
- Craig Sutherland, Crieff, Scotland
- Gordon McCready, Renfrew, Scotland
- Andrew Carlisle, Pittsburgh
- Alasdair Henderson, Dunoon, Scotland
- Faye Henderson, Kirriemuir, Scotland
- Andrew Lee, Surrey, British Columba
- Jori Chisholm, Seattle
- Innes Smith, Glasgow
- Cameron Drummond, Edinburgh
- Alastair Lee, Surrey, British Columbia
- Andrea Boyd, Ottawa
- Michael Fitzhenry, London
- John-Angus Smith, London
- Nick Hudson, Houston
- Jonathan Greenlees, Glasgow
Judges: Dr. Angus MacDonald, Iain Morrison, Willie Morrison
Silver Medal
- Ross Cowan, Motherwell, Scotland
- Dan Lyden, Maryland
- Ed MacIlwaine, Vancouver
- Jason Craig, Australia
- Michael Elder, Auchtermuchty, Scotland
- Andrew Douglas, Schenectady New York
- Andrew Hall, Glasgow
- Bruce MacDonald, Portree, Scotland
- Darach Urquhart, Glasgow
- Greig Canning, Edinburgh
- Xavier Boderiou, Brittany
- Stuart Easton, New Zealand
- Ben Duncan, Edinburgh
- Jonathon Simpson, Bo’ness, Scotland
- Cameron MacDougall, Nigg, Scotland
- Edward Gaul, Dundee, Scotland
- Andrew Wright, Dundee, Scotland
- Andrew Donlon, Germantown, Maryland
- Duncan Beattie, Linlithgow, Scotland
- Charles MacDonald, Inverness, Scotland
- Sarah Muir, Glasgow
- Andrew Wilson, Belfast
- Calum Watson, Edinburgh
- Ben McClamrock, Washington, DC
- Andrew Lewis, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Jacob Dicker, Ottawa
Judges: Ian Duncan, Iain MacFadyen, Ronnie McShannon
Silver Star Former Winners March, Strathspey & Reel (for winners of the A-Grade MSR)
- Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
- Niall Stewart, Kyle of Lochalsh, Scotland
- Fred Morrison, Bishopton, Scotland
- Finlay Johnston, Glasgow
- Ian K. MacDonald, Whitby, Ontario
- Angus D. MacColl, Benderloch, Scotland
- Bruce Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
- Cameron Drummond, Edinburgh
- Willie McCallum, Bearsden, Scotland
- Andrew Hayes, Ottawa
- Jack Lee, Surrey, British Columbia
- Douglas Murray, Cupar, Scotland
- Neil Walker, Australia
- Stuart Liddell, Inveraray, Scotland
- Roddy MacLeod, Glasgow
- Donald MacPhee, Alexandria, Scotland
- Peter Hunt, Stevenston, Scotland
- Iain Speirs, Edinburgh
Judges: Ian McLellan, Malcolm McRae, Stuart Samson
A-Grade MSR
- Gordon Bruce
- Jonathan Greenlees, Glasgow
- Jenny Hazzard, Edinburgh
- Ben Duncan, Edinburgh
- Ashley McMichael, Belfast
- Darach Urquhart, Glasgow
- John-Angus Smith
- Innes Smith
- Graham Drummond, Bathgate, Scotland
- James Troy
- Callum Beaumont
- Euan MacCrimmon
- Alasdair Henderson
- Seumas Coyne, Van Nuys, California
- Michael Fitzhenry
- William Geddes, Glasgow
- Sarah Muir
- Jori Chisholm
- Andrew Carlisle
- Jamie Forrester, London
- Ben McClamrock
- Andrea Boyd
- Angus J. MacColl, Oban, Scotland
- Gordon McCready
- Craig Sutherland
- Callum Harper, Bolton, Ontario
- Steven Gray, Lockerbie, Scotland
- Nick Hudson
- Derek Midgley
- Glenn Brown
- Alastair Lee
- Sean McKeown
Judges: Walter Cowan, Robert Wallace, John Wilson
Clasp (for winners of the Gold Medal at Inverness)
- Jack Lee
- Willie McCallum
- Donald MacPhee
- Callum Beaumont
- Roddy MacLeod
- Duncan MacGillivray, Nigg, Scotland
- Glenn Brown, Glasgow
- Andrew Hayes
- Stuart Liddell
- John-Angus Smith
- Ian K. MacDonald
- Wilson Brown, Glasgow
- Finlay Johnston
- Douglas Murray
- Bruce Gandy
- Iain Speirs
- Fred Morrison
- Faye Henderson
- Euan MacCrimmon, Inverness, Scotland
- Angus D. MacColl
Judges: Stuart Shedden, Jack Taylor, John Wilson
B-Grade MSR
- Calum Watson
- Callum Moffat
- Ross Cowan
- Matt Pantaleoni, St. Louis
- Andrew Donlon
- Andrew Lee
- Ross Miller, Linlithgow, Scotland
- Faye Henderson
- Glenn Ross, Belfast
- Sandy Cameron
- Lachie Dick, Glasgow
- Andrew Douglas
- Jacob Dicker
- Dan Lyden
- Greig Canning, Edinburgh
- Stuart Easton
- Greig Wilson, Cardenden, Scotland
- Euan Dewar, Oban, Scotland
- Andrew Wilson, Belfast
- Andrew Wright, Dundee, Scotland
- Jonathon Simpson, Bo’ness, Scotland
- William Rowe, New Zealand
- Alan Clark, Bridge of Don, Scotland
- Decker Forrest, Isle of Skye, Scotland
- Andrew Lewis
- Steven Leask, Irvine, Scotland
- Jason Craig
- Jamie Elder, Auchtermuchty, Scotland
- Ursa Beckford, Maine
- James MacHattie
- Daniel McDermott, Rothesay, Scotland
- Kristopher Coyle, Belfast
- Andrew Hall, London
- Connor Sinclair
Judges: Ian Duncan, Ronnie McShannon, Iain Morrison
Premier & A-Grade Hornpipe & Jig
- Euan MacCrimmon
- Michael Fitzhenry
- Nick Hudson
- John Angus Smith
- Alastair Lee
- Jamie Forrester
- Alex Gandy
- Jonathan Greenlees
- Ian K. MacDonald
- James Troy, Canada
- Sean McKeown
- Angus D. MacColl
- Fred Morrison
- Iain Speirs
- Douglas Murray
- Andrea Boyd
- Sarah Muir
- Ashley McMichael
- Innes Smith
- Gordon McCready
- Graham Drummond
- Donald MacPhee
- Derek Midgley
- Finlay Johnston
- Seumas Coyne
- Roddy MacLeod
- Gordon Bruce
- Andrew Hayes
- Stuart Liddell
- Jori Chisholm
- Alasdair Henderson
- Craig Sutherland
- Niall Stewart
- Ben Duncan
- Andrew Carlisle
- Callum Harper
- Cameron Drummond
- Steven Gray
- Callum Beaumont
- Jenny Hazzard
- Darach Urquhart
Judge: Walter Cowan, Dr. Angus MacDonald, Iain MacFadyen,
B-Grade Hornpipe & Jig
- Ross Miller
- Steven Leask
- Jason Craig
- Andrew Lee
- Lachie Dick
- Dan Lyden
- Kristopher Coyle
- Jacob Dicker
- Jamie Elder
- Greig Canning
- Euan Dewar
- Ross Cowan
- Andrew Lewis
- William Rowe
- Decker Forrest
- Greig Wilson
- Jonathon Simpson
- Callum Moffat
- Andrew Wright
- Glenn Ross
- Andrew Hall
- Calum Watson
- Stuart Easton
- Andrew Wilson
- Matt Pantaleoni
- James MacHattie
- Sandy Cameron
- Andrew Douglas
- Daniel McDermott
- Ursa Beckford
- Alan Clark
- Andrew Donlon
Judges: Ian McLellan, Robert Wallace