August 02, 2017

p|d’s must-see Piping Live! picks

International Quartet Competition 2017

This Piping Live! staple returns for 2017, to showcase the best foursomes from Grade 1 bands a few days before they take to Glasgow Green for the World’s. Contestants play an MSR and a medley, which can be an interesting display of out-of-context harmonies and counterpoint written for pipe sections five or six times the size.

Eight bands have entered quartets, and 10 secret (hey, who’s kidding whom?) judges will decide who will take home the title, the cash and a few bottles of malt for the bus.

Order of play:
1. Inveraray & District (2016 winners) (Scotland)
2. Auckland & District (New Zealand)
3. Toronto Police (Canada)
4. Dowco Triumph Street (Canada)
5. Peoples Ford Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia (Scotland)
6. Simon Fraser University (Canada)
7. 78th Fraser Highlanders (Canada)
8. Field Marshal Montgomery (Northern Ireland)

  • Date & Time: Tuesday, August 8th, 7:30 pm
  • Venue: Strathclyde Suite, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
  • Tickets: £16.50 adults / £14.50 under-16, over-65, students





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