December 31, 2011

The year in news: the Top 10 pipes|drums stories of 2011

#1. Field Marshal Montgomery’s remarkable season

A Grade 1 band that can win all five RSPBA major championships in a single year, at a time when the standard is higher and more competitive at the top grade than any time in history, is truly remarkable. For those who were fortunate enough to hear FMM live at the 2011 World’s will inevitably chalk either of the band’s performances as a certain highlight of their life’s great listening experiences. Will we hear the like again? Maybe, and perhaps the only thing more thrilling than FMM’s 2011 vintage performances is the thought that the pipe band standard, as ever, will continue to rise. For Field Marshal to achieve the rare pipe band Grand Slam was without a doubt a sustained positive news story that merits our choice as the Top News Story of 2011.

And a few more  important stories that warranted particular attention in 2011:


  1. Excellent summary. Ending with a reminder of the good byes we had to say to the great characters and friends we share the love of the music with, puts it all in perspective. How lucky we are to love the pipes and share the music and our lives with such wonderful folk!



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