May 27, 2021

A photo album of Maxville 1980

We take pipes|drums readers back in time once again, all the way to 1980 at he Glengarry Highland Games at Maxville, Ontario.

It’s a summer swelter and The Byrds had already flown out with a fallout shelter, eight miles high and landed on the grass of a timeless stadium in the tiny eastern Ontario farming community whose population is not much bigger today.

But if there were a Glengarry Highland Games this year, it would be a massive event compared with the relatively small operation 31 years ago. Note the absence of crowds and hubbub on this Saturday morning of solo competitions, where there were far fewer events, compared with the current era where there are competitions for every piper or drummer, regardless of ability. The bands would start to roll in around 11 am to take on the lunchtime massed bands before they compete, just as they would now.

We hope you enjoy our latest photo feature. Just let the gallery below load and click to scroll through the images, which are all copyright of pipes|drums.





  1. I used to drive down to Maxville from Montreal every year with my mother who loved the massed bands, so i was probably at the 1980 Maxville Games enjoying the piobaireachd, which was my particular interest. Having eaten at the Frying Scotsman, we learned to bring ourselves a picnic lunch. Nice photos, thanks for the memories.
    Jay Hackney
    Stillwater Lake, NS



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