Eight firsts for Peel Police at warm and sunny Alma
Alma, Michigan – May 27-28, 2023 – The Peel Regional Police of Ontario won Grade 2 both days with straight first placings at the annual Alma Highland Festival, traditionally held over the American Memorial Day weekend. Seventeen bands in total competed in warm and sunny weather with a good crowd gathered to take in the music. There were no Grade 1 or Grade 3 competitions.
Grade 2 Medley
1st Peel Regional Police (1,1,1,1)
2nd City of Chicago (3,3,2,2)
3rd Midlothian Scottish (2,2,3,3)
Judges: John Elliott, Stephen MacNeil (piping); Reid Maxwell (drumming); Michael Grey (ensemble)
Grade 4 Medley
1st 87th Cleveland (3,2,1,1)
2nd North Coast (2,1,3,2)
3rd Alma College (1,3,2,3)
4th Detroit Highlanders

Grade 5 Quick-march Medley
1st Cabar Feidh (1,1,1,2)
2nd Michigan Scottish (2,2,5,6
3rd 87th Cleveland 7,7,2,1)
4th Spirit of Michigan (4,6,4,3)
5th Capital City (3,4,3,7)
6th James Enright Sr Memorial (5,3,6,4)
Judges: John Elliott, Stephen MacNeil (piping); Reid Maxwell (drumming); Michael Grey (ensemble)
Grade 2 MSR
1st Peel Regional Police (1,1,1,1)
2nd Midlothian Scottish (2,2,2,2)
3rd City of Chicago (3,3,3,3)
Judges: Michael Grey, Stephen MacNeil (piping); Reid Maxwell (drumming); John Elliott (ensemble)
Grade 4 MSR
1st 87th Cleveland (3,2,1,1)
2nd North Coast (1,1,2,3)
3rd Alma College (2,3,3,2)
Judges: Michael Grey, Stephen MacNeil (piping); Reid Maxwell (drumming); John Elliott (ensemble)

Grade 5 Quick-march Medley
1st Cabar Feidh (1,3,3,3)
2nd Capital City (2,1,6,2)
3rd 87th Cleveland (5,7,1,1)
4th Spirit of Michigan (6,4,2,4)
5th Michigan Scottish (4,5,4,5)
6th Detroit St. Andrews (3,2,7,6)
Judges: Michael Grey, Stephen MacNeil (piping); Reid Maxwell (drumming); John Elliott (ensemble)